
©2011 Giselle Gautreau
Encaustic painting on panel


About this painting:
I've had two greyhounds in my life. Our first dog, Gus, came to us by way of Tennessee... a stray dog in need of a home. My husband & I were renting a 2nd floor apartment in Charlottesville, VA that didn't allow dogs, so it was rather challenging trying to sneak a 75 lb dog past our landlord's office, which was right across the street. We weren't successful, so eventually moved so that we could keep Gus.
Our second greyhound, Soprano, was a retired racing greyhound. He had a silver face and a slate grey coat that got more silver-grey as he aged. He moved across country with us, enjoying his last days in sunny California. Not a bad retirement for a race dog who spent the first five years of his life working hard in snowy New Hampshire.
This little painting is my homage to these gentle & regal dogs. They make fabulous family members, by the way.
Soprano was adopted through Greytexpectations, an amazing organization based in Maryland.


This is a wonderful painting and I know just how you feel about greyhounds! I have a beautiful girl in my life now, and I wouldn't be without her, she is funny, geeky and gentle.
Fearless Threader,
You mean you just have one? I know that's it's pretty common to have multiple greys, since they tend to get along so beautifully. We've only had one at a time, but they are truly the sweetest, goofiest hounds. I currently have two rescue dogs, neither of which are greyhounds. Whenever I see them out & about, my heart always skips a beat. I definitely have a soft spot for them.
I'm so glad that you like the painting! Thank you.

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